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Your wedding pictures are what you are left with after the big day has long gone. Choosing a great photographer will be of great importance therefore when selecting your wedding suppliers.

As important as your photographer is your hair and makeup artist as they will be the ones trusted to deliver the look which you want for you as the bride and your bridal party on that very important and well-documented wedding day.

Wedding hair and makeup is not an area you should scrimp in, you pay for what you get with the service and quality of your artist. I make sure to really listen to my clients to achieve what they had in mind for their wedding look. I also know how that will show in a wedding picture, and so use the necessary amount of makeup without going overboard for camera.

It is those wedding pictures that will take pride of place in your home for years to come, so make sure you think about your hair and makeup and how it will tie in with your dress and venue. Then hopefully you will make decisions that make those wedding pictures a joy to look back on for many years.